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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Riding cryptos since X'mas : > 200% returns in 2 months on ETH, BTC

Since X'mas 2020 way before Elon Musk announced Tesla has bought USD1.5bn worth of bitcoin ( BTC)  , we have have riding the crypto rally, mainly bitcoin & ether . We have been taking partial profits on the way up since yesterday. 

Below is a position statement from one of the freebee snipers who entered BTC at 24k+ usd  on our freebee buy call on X'mas and has been riding to 55k usd this morning , planning to take  profits soon as it hits 58k - 62 usd region   We will re-enter on a big correction  after that for good ride to 65k USD. 

here is a closing statement from a sniper who entered a crypto called ether  or ETH at X'mas & made more than 200% on the ride in 2 months from 644 usd all the way to 19k usd closing just yesterday, reaping $33k on 20 ETH contracts . Congrats but we expect ETH to go much further when it implements its proof of stake algorithm to reduce electricity consumption and to lower gas fees.  so we will keep a close watch on this one and its competitors Cardano and Solana as well.

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