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Sunday, August 11, 2019

YZJ - Halted after free fall

On last Friday,  yet another China play or S chip  got halted after a free fall , but this time apparently due to fall out from the anti corruption campaign in China  where the YZJ Chief Ren Yuanlin is reportedly under investigation by Chinese authorities for association with the corruption case involving Liu Jianguo, the former party secretary of City of Jiangyin and Jingjiang, (原靖江市委书记刘建国) where YZJ started to grow its fortunes to what it is today from a shabby ship repair yard


Our last china play suffering a similar fate of  halt  after free fall  was BestWorld


Not that we did not see this coming , see

Actually all these falling of chips of whatever shade and color should come as no surprise , as we held a bearish view of the toppish market since 29 Jul 2019 ,   see

But credit goes into investigative work at Investingnote and the bear prowl who foresaw a storm brewing months earlier  in YZJ



I guess by now , one would do wise to avoid any China play on SGX , even the politically connected ones or Index stocks ( Recall China AviationOil,  Cosco etc ) , as  the entangled dark web of political connections in China can turn out to be a double edge sword.


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